Saturday, February 27, 2010

new arrival bag with old style look

Yuhuuuww....mariii mariii..back to OLD style girL....
mari kita bermain warna. Hari ini nana combinasiin merah putih dan cokelat.
coba-coba di liat yuk....^_^

Yang ini gayanya apa ya? feminim campur retro dikit trus campur boys look dikit dan campur-campur sari, hahahaha....^_^

aku sukaa bereksperimen hingga menemukan STYLE nana

dan ini terlihat very-very feminime ya....
with flower bag, flower bag ini ada 2 macam,, bisa di lihat di bawah yaa.....dan 2 tas ini bisa di pesan for you, girL....hayuk hayuk hayuk...


Nah yang ini product nana yang baru...nana suka banget sama tasnya..
soalnya gede tapi enak dipakainya..ringan lagi..bisa buat kuliah (*karena ukurannya yang besar dan beauty), bisa untuk jalan-jalan (*karena bentuknya yang fashonable), bisa untuk ke masjid kalau lagi ada acara (* bisa muat mukena yang besar), bisa untuk ke kantor (*muat map-map an)..pokoknya fungsinya...all in one deh...

di rekomendasiin banget pokoknya, hayo-hayoo...sapa yang mau, just Rp 120.000 sahaja...
message aja ya atau juga bisa email ke


Busana muslim

Berbicara busana muslim, pastilah tidak jauh berkisar dari Tunik & Gamis. Padahal ada banyak diluar dua jenis pakaian tersebut. Banyak yang bisa dijadikan referensi gaya & menjadi gaya yang alternatif, Tunik bisa jadi merupakan salah satu jenis busana yang mudah dipadu padankan, tapi tidak demikian dengan gamis. Untuk memadukannya butuh kecermatan tertentu, Pasalnya jika tidak dipadukan secara tepat, padu padan gamis justru akan membuat pemakainya terlihat “penuh'

Saat ini banyak model yang ditawarkan oleh pasar, lihat saja yang ada di Tanah abang, maupun ITC dari model untuk remaja sampai model yang dapat dipakai oleh ibu-ibu maupun yang sudah tua sekalipun dapat menggunakannnya, & selalu ada tidak saja dibulan Ramadhan tetapi dalam sehari – hari pasti ada yang ingin membeli, Busana muslim tidak saja dipakai untuk disaat hari raya, tetapi pada acara formil, seperti pesta pernikahan, arisan, kekampus sampai kekantornpun busana ini dapat dipakai, tetapi memang disesuaikan & pretty look tentunya.

Kalangan bisnis garment sampai konvensi kecil-kecilan, banyak tumbuh untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang buat di Indonesia sangat mendukung dikarena merupakan umat muslim terbesar didunia, sehingga kebutuhannya sangat banyak sampai negera china pun mengeluarkan produk ini untuk menyaingi pasar di Indonesia, dan itu dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen di Indonesia, untuk yang lebih exclusive biasanya dikeluarkan oleh para perancang-perancang busana seperti Ida Royani, sebagai perancang yang sudah punya nama, kemudian ada juga Yessi Riscowati, Merry Pramono & Jeny tjahyawati, mereka memadu padankan busana muslim tidak hanya dalam kombinasi warna, tetapi juga antara atasan & bawahannya seperti Tunik Panjang bermotif, dikenakan bersama rok panjang bervolume atau celana kain dengan kerudung berbunga atau polos.

Friday, February 26, 2010

request by petty : fashion for large size muslimah

Assalamualikum dear..
haw are verry miss you all n especially..dear my "daily fashion muslimah" blog
how long ya im leave it??
today, i wanna post request message from petty. petty pingin di disain-in dress dengan ukuran yang agak besar.
nah, maybe gambar dibawah ini bisa membantu petty untuk menemukan passion for fashion muslimnya.
oya sebelumnya nan juga pernah posting tentang pakaian untuk ukuran big size..bisa di lihat disini ya :

yup..mari kita bahas.

the first.
petty message :
"mba, masukin dunk poto design2 bwt yg bdn nya ky aku, hehehe. Yg lengen pendek tp selutut tyuz kombinasi tomboy aga girly gt, yg sdrhn aja dan simpel hehehe. Makasiy ya"

answer :
Nah, i think..dress ini cocok banget buat petty. Nana sengaja bikin pola yang sangat sederhana dan terlihat simple banget. 
warna dasar sengaja nana buat warna polos, karena warna polos bisa mengimbangi bentuk tubuh kita agar terlihat lebih ramping. Dan rahasia terlihat ramping pada gambar di atas yaitu : Pola setengah lingkaran yang terlihat dari sisi kanan dan kiri pinggang. Model ini pasti akan terlihat lebih ramping bagi si pemakai. dari depan memang terlihat seperti setengah lingkaran,,tapi sebenarnya di bagian belakangnya juga ada setengah lingkaran lagi. 
untuk membuat pola tersebut, sebaiknya..jika bahan dasar polos maka untuk pola lingkarannya diberi corak namun tidak yang terlalu mencolok.

Nah kalau gambar yang ke-2 ini nana bikin sedikit chic.
bukan berarti jika badan kita besar, kita enggak bisa menggunakan bahan yang bercorak. OW....BIG NO..
salah besar..kita masih bisa kok menggunakannya, asal tau cara meletakkan corak tersebut.
seperti gambar di atas, pola bercorak sengaja nana hanya sematkan di bagian bawah baju dan bawah lengan tangan. kenapa?
karena untuk mengalihkan pandangan orang agar tidak melihat bagian-bagian yang kurang nyaman bagi kita.
nah, option lainnya kenapa nana meletakkan warna polos di bagian lengan, hal ini karena kita tau sebagian besar ada orang yang memiliki lengan yang besar, jika corak polos di letakkan pada bagian lengan, maka kesan yang akan di timbulkan saat memakai adalah lengan akan terlihat semakin besar.

selain itu, nana juga menambahkan rompi pendek agar lebih terlihat fashionable.

selamat mencoba...
semoga bisa memberikan inspirasi n bermanfaat ya infonya, amiiiin

assalamualikum wr.wb all

Thursday, February 25, 2010

LOL, I couldn't help myself

So yeah, I couldn't help myself, I had to start a new section devoted to odd and (erred) Omani signage. This sign is first, because it reminds me of my Omani friends in general (when I first met them, and they never said anything bad about their country). LOL.

THE BOOK: prologue

from the sacred Qu'ran of my faith:

We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has returned to you [slaves and captives]... in order that there be upon you no difficulty. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.

Surah an-Nur 24:58

This is the story of a slave. A willful slave. A woman who believed in the right to choose whomsoever she willed to love, and to believe and act as she deemed best and true.

The human soul cannot be owned. Bought and sold as the body and mind may be, no man can own another man's soul, or tell a heart what to feel. Not even one's own. He can be a great lawmaker, 'Lord of all the land', call him 'King' or 'Sultan'... but... he cannot do that.

This is the story of a young woman who chose her fate with the conviction that on the day when souls are weighed and measured for their good and evil, she would not be able to attribute any of her sins to another master. She did what she thought was lawful, the only way that she could under the laws that existed at the time, and when you judge her (as you will), judge her knowing that she did so in a manner she felt she would be able to explain to her Creator, who she believes gives all men free will, and a soul with the purpose of living a life that is pleasing to God in equal parts, fullness and honesty.

Everyone is a slave to something. People of my nation have a false sense of freedom. They think freedom for me means driving a car in Saudi Arabia, and dressing up to please other people, wearing 'whatever I want' so long as it isn't a veil or a headscarf or loose fitting clothing. People are slaves to their jobs, slaves to media images, slaves to an idea of freedom-that if you choose other than that, you are suppressed.

I have left my country to have the freedom to live my life. If you believe freedom is being able to do what you want, I'm afraid to disappoint you, but no man is ever entirely free. In my country I had the freedom to change the law, to marry regardless my race, social position, religion, and family, and to choose to give that country in favor of another and still possess those same old freedoms upon returning. Here, I have the freedom to walk down the street-without everyone stopping and staring, no one needing the hours of my day for a life story dispelling their stereotypes. Here, I can get any job that I apply for based simply on my capabilities. Can I do the job? Yes. Do they need a person? Yes. So I've got it.

Now,mI might get paid by passport. Meaning, I make more money than someone of the same position and skill level from another country deemed lesser than my own by what I blame, some great social injustice, but I can get the job I deserve without having to fight for it. Yes, you can undoubtably argue, I could still get the same job back in the country of my passport cover with, albeit, a little effort on my part, but why should I have to prove myself based on anything, when another accomplishes the same, sans struggle, sans approval period? Is that not too, injustice?

The price of your high ideals, my father once told me. The only thing he and my mother agreed upon regarding the raising up of me was that the inclination of my temperament towards the fixed mark/mirage of 'fairness' would lead to trouble, and be the cause of great unhappiness and discontent in my life.

Life is not fair. I wish it were, but it isn't, so more often than not (and more often, I'll admit, than other people) I find myself fighting for something or fighting with someone; but I am torn no longer. It is immature to say that freedom is being able to do what you want, even if there is no harm in that for others. I know you can never gather up everything that you want and hold it all in one place. Go to every bounded border of the globe, and you will never find all of the freedoms you require in order to do everything that you want to do. If you are extraordinarily lucky, as I have been (you may laugh at this, it is your prerogative), than you may just find enough of those small but substantially integral freedoms, to do just what you need to do.

I needed to be with the one I loved, I needed to do so in good conscience, I needed to have a life of ordinary happinesses where I could support myself... I wanted to feel safe and happy and understood like every human being does, whose mind is not stricken with some depraved sickness...

I know the eventual expat audience will wonder: How could she be made a slave? In this modern day and age, who keeps a slave anyways? Only a tyrant would write such an indecent law that would drive men and women to even consider such an outmoded and barbaric practice as slavery is, even if the practice is partially condoned by-way-of-mention in 'some Muslim holy book'...

You can never gather up everything that you want and hold it all in one place. The best thing you can do is just find a place where most of your happiness exists, and try to live there.

For me, that place is Oman. Oman is a little Sultanate (that means, it is ruled by a Sultan) in the Persian Gulf. Most people have never heard of it, I find. It is not Amman, Jordan. Usually people just stare at me blankly until I say "it's close to Dubai." Most people, where I am from, think 'Dubai' is an actual country.

Oman is often called a Muslim country. I am a Muslim, so I know that means simply, that the population of citizens of said country is a majority, Muslim, and that a few of the principles of Shariah Law are enacted by the government there as a means of government. Once I was one of those so naive as to think an 'Islamic Country' would spell bliss. Now, I know there is no such thing as a 'Muslim Country' only a place with lots of Muslims. Neither is there such a thing as a 'Free Country'.

I left my country to have the freedom to live my ordinary life honestly in Oman, but have had to come to terms with the universal truth, that an honest life is not a freedom universally accessible to all. Human lives inevitably overlap in a dance of differing desires and imperatives, and some must sacrifice their personal freedoms for the sake of others.

Oman is a country ruled by a benevolent Sultan beloved by his people. Slavery is illegal in Oman, and has been since 1970 when an edict was passed by said Sultan freeing all slaves. Still, this story takes place in the Oman of today, and concerns the confused children of the Gulf as they deal with the complexities of a changing landscape revolving around nationalism, Islam, cultural familial obligations, and the eternal, and sometimes disturbing question of what freedom really is, and what it entails. It could easily be set in any other Gulf state, or even as far away from "The Girls of Riyadh" mindset as Australia. I have an Australian friend, who is actually quite famous via the blogging set, who can relate.

I am writing this because it is an important issue affecting my generation of Muslims, and because I love Oman as if I were Omani, and want to see the best for the Omani people. I admit to choosing the title and cover art to manipulate an Orientalist mindset into buying the book. I want the Western expat woman at the Saabco grocery in Qu'rum or Al Fair in Al Kuwair to be enticed by the veiled blue eyes of the woman on the cover, so that she chooses what began as a travel diary, over the Jean Sasoon "Princess" books in the stores' English-language section. My mother only having the movie "Not Without My Daughter" as a social reference for the region never benefitted me, or anybody else.

Everyone is a slave to something. As in the West, slavery as a state, is a result, not the actual issue in need of address. In Oman, personal freedom is often thought of as immature and non-descriptive. One's family comes first. Even the Sultan, who has the power to alter the course of his culture with the draft of a law and the revision of an edict, is a slave to his people. So maybe he can understand, better than anyone else, the reasonings of a willful slave.

I hope so-selfishly- and it is my very prayer. Pity, for all my philosophizing prologue, most of what you are about to read is most mundane to me, compared to the promise of intrigue and injustice conjured by the very first breaths of this story, when uttered by the syllable: 'slave'.

This story is about a slave. A willful slave. Emphasis being on the convictions of the woman, not her slavehood. Do I want pity for her? Not really. Do I personally condone the practice of slavery, that being the sale of human beings in exchange for money or goods? Of course not! But then, I do not think worldly goods is what Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala meant for us mere mortals in the provisions made for slavery in the Holy Qu'ran.

People in my country feel that freedom means being able to do what you want, or at least being able to vote for people who might be able to get you what you want. Some in the Middleeast agree, though I've never heard an Omani say he wasn't proud of his/her Sultan. Whether out of censorship or patriotism, this remains a fact. Like most Omanis, I disregard this view (or definition) of freedom as irrational, due to its frank implausibility for reasons aforementioned.

Muslims believe that God instilled in every human being the ability to choose good or evil, and called it free will.

It is my personal belief that freedom is the choice to do the right thing, nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes it seems we have no choices and our paths are determined for us, and circumstance dictates where we are able to go.

I never wanted to come to Oman in the first place, and I had never intended to return when I left. When I bought my airline ticket five years later, for a return tour of the Gulf, my destination sure as hell wasn't Muscat, but that is where I ended up.

Muslims believe that God gave us free will, but that all our choices are preordained, with God knowing the outcome of those choices. If that is so (and I'm Muslim, so I believe it is) there had to be a reason He, subhanhu wa'ta'ala kept dragging me back here, to Oman, and to a certain Omani.

This started out as my travel diary, chronicling the adventures and misadventures of my friends and I for the amusement of our relations who begged us "make a book of it!". I require that is remain such (unless you personally want to undertake to task of editing my work free of charge) being that I am no great writer. The events themselves will make every intended point. One last point:

In my religion, there is no greater state to aspire to, that to be a slave to the will of Allah. I will never fully understand that will, but here in the following pages will be my best attempt to relate it.

Bismillahi Rahamnir Raheem...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the book

So I have decided to start writing a [FICTITIOUS!!!!!] short novel inspired by the online travel diaries of four ex-pat friends of mine, two Omani girls, a rather stereotypical group of Omani guys LOL, and some common themes we've all experienced [love, the Gulf culture, marriage, race, country Islam, freedom] and I've set it in Oman. I intend to post a third of the story online, the first few posts on this blog and the rest continued on a private-invite-only one, and if you like it, LOL, and want to find out what happens to my cast of zany and stereotypical characters, you'll have to wait and buy the book.

*slavery was abolished in 1970 in Oman and I know no actual slave (this story idea started as a joke made by a group of friends)

Nothing is meant to resemble actual people and their lives, and if anything seems to, events have been highly dramatized, and several people combined into one another ect... for my delightful novella. Enjoy (inshaAllah).

5haleeji Makeup: Khaleeji Makeup

My post about formal makeup in Oman: OMIGOD!!!! LOL. There are two kinds of formal makeup in Oman, the expat sort which doesn't even make it for daywear for the Arab women who are serious about makeup, and then there is the 5haleeji style. As a girl who just had her makeup done professionally the other day, I can go, um, well, it is different than what I am used to painting on myself. And I am not shy with the eyeshadow, I had thought.
For the khaleeji look, they are absolutely strong on the use of different colours, and their aim is to match the colours to your outfit, not what suits you best personally. I'm a girl who looks good in purple eyeshadows, but the other day I had FIVE different colours of GLITTER pasted out past my natural browline. Concealer was then used to give the shadow a severe shape. I felt like an old Egyptian movie star (THE SHAPE)/ 1920s flapper (THE THICKNESS OF THE UNDERLINING---THIS I LIKED BTW)/ circus trampeze artist (THE GLITTER). With all that colour girls, why the glitter?????
Another feature is re-drawing the shape of the brows, either by bleaching the brows, or actually taping over and repainting the entire natural brow. Not many Omani women I've met pluck since to do is generally thought of to be a sin in most instances (unless you've got a mustache).
The next feature is that there is usually two kinds of eyeliner on the bottom of the eye, the dark black one, and then a white line at the corner of the eye, to create drama and shape.
Fake eyelashes seem to be a must, and also, painting your skin on till it is so cake-thick white. LOL, I am soooooo glad I am already white as ghost, so I get to skip this step, or I'd end up with the worst conditioned skin. I am one of those who is too lazy to wash off lastnight's makeup. As a result, I have no white pillowcases.
This is pretty much (a tamer version) of what my makeup the other day looked like. It kinda made me feel like a cross between a Geisha and a drag Queen.
This reminds me of a friend's wedding photo, where all I could do was stare, horrifies by how UNFLATTERING the eyeliners and shadow was to her face shape.
This one, to me, is actually pretty, because of the shape of the kohl, ad the fact the model kept her natural skin tone apparent.
What do you think about this style of Omani makeup? I don't think it is TRULY the original cosmetic culture of Oman, but was adopted, like black abayas, when Omanis used to be in other countries like Saudi and Bahrain and Kuwait, back in the day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bisnis Fashion Rumahan

Setiap bisnis harus memiliki business plan, begitu juga bisnis rumahan. Pertumbuhan teknologi dan telekomunikasi telah memungkinkan bisnis rumahan menjadi lebih dipertimbangkan sebagai bagian dari dunia bisnis modern. Bisnis tidak lagi dipandang sebagai hobi. Banyak usaha sukses yang dimulai dari kantor-rumah, meja dapur ,atau garasi. Umumnya, business plan untuk bisnis rumahan tidak jauh berbeda dari bisnis lainnya, dengan sedikit pengecualian.

Kebalikan di abad 20, yang ditandai dengan banyak pabrik besar dan kompleksitas kantor, pengusaha dan karyawan seperti menemukan kembali benefit bekerja di rumah. Semua tekanan yang ditemui di tempat kerja, rutinitas, mulai ditinggalkan. Ada juga orang yang memulai karir baru, ibu rumah tangga yang mencari penghasilan tambahan untuk keluarga, serta pensiunan tidak tertarik pada dunia kerja yang terstruktur.

Ada beberapa usaha rumahan yang membuat sukses diantaranya makanan, penjualan kue-kue kering, Tupperware, yang banyak juga saat ini yaitu bisnis fashion, fashion mungkin tidak memerlukan banyak keahlian dibandingkan makanan, cukup membeli busana muslim, mungkin kaos, atau batik, aksesoris, pakaian anak-anak dan bayi, bisnis ini dapat hidup ditambah dilakukan dengan online, lebih menyenangkan, apabila ingin mendapat banyak untung, dapat membeli produk ini secara grosir, kunjungi saja grosir fashion yang sudah ada dan beli busana muslim, produk-produk lainnya. Cuma memang sudah tidak up to date, apabila susah lakunya, maka dari itu rajin-rajinlah untuk mengiklan bisnis rumahan ini kepada teman- teman kantor dulu, tetangga, atau teman yang baru dikenal sekalipun, & lebih aman lagi via internet.

Bisnis grosir Fashion

Sama halnya dengan bisnis makanan, yang tidak ada matinya, karena kebutuhan manusia selalu dinamis, beragam & mengikuti perkembangan Jaman, demikian pula halnya dengan bisnis fashion, ada beberapa alasan mengapa orang melakukan bisnis fashion ini diantaranya ingin belajar tentang bisnis fashion. bisnis ini keuntungannya sangat menggiurkan. Dalam hal menarik pelanggan, dapat belajar banyak.

Tak hanya soal barang yang bagus dan murah yang menarik bagi pengunjung, tapi juga kecekatan dari si penjual dalam memberikan pelayanan. Plus keramahan yang dibuktikan dalam keluwesan ketika menawarkan atau bernegosiasi dengan pembeli. Menurut William John Paul Gallagher anggota band oasis, alasan ia melakukan bisnis ini karena, ia menyukai busana. Kami akan menjual produk fashion yang saya suka. Jika orang-orang menyukainya, asyik. Jika enggak, mereka enggak asyik.

Bisnis ini dapat dilakukan dirumah maupun pertokoan, dipertokoan bisnis fashionnya beragam dari aksesoris, busana muslim, topi, sepatu, maupun batik, pola perjualannya pun beragamam, untuk bisnis rumahan biasanya dilakukan retail, sedangkan untuk pertokoan dapat secara grosir, pembelian grosir fashion dianggap mneguntungkan karena kemungkinan ada selisih 15.000, untuk tiap potong produk tersebut, walau pembelian grosir fashion memang harus beli banyak, tetapi ada selisih keuntungan apalagi jika memang ada keinginan di jual secara retail.

Sekilas Sejarah Fashion

Selama beberapa dasawarsa, individu atau masyarakat telah menggunakan pakaian dan perhiasan tubuh lainnya sebagai bentuk komunikasi nonverbal untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan, pangkat, jenis kelamin, kelas/derajat, serta kekayaan. Fashion adalah bentuk kebebasan berbicara. Tidak hanya meliputi pakaian, tetapi juga aksesori, perhiasan, gaya rambut, keindahan dan seni tubuh. Untuk itu sebagai penikmat fashion, sudah seharusnya kita turut mengetahui sejarah fashion dari masa ke masa (1800-2009).

Fashion sebagai sebuah sistem tanda perubahan budaya dan suku memiliki. Jika melihat stratifikasi kelas, status, profesi dan kebutuhan sehari-hari pakaian dari seragam ke kultus pemuda massa seragam. Simbol status, afiliasi kelompok dan branding. Produksi massal dan fashion siklus. Fashion seiring berkembangnya jaman menyuplai modelnya dengan sangat beragam, walau kebanyakan berkiblat kebarat & timur tengah ( untuk busana muslim), juga China.

Produk-produk tersebut sangat gampang dijumpai, datang saja ke Tanah abang atau ke mangga dua akan ditemukan grosir fashion maupun retail, grosir fashion menawarkan harga yang lebih murah ketimbang beli retail, hal ini dikarena ada istilah pembelian partai, dan ada unsur untuk dijual kembali. Kwalitas barang ditempat-tempat tersebut cukup baik, hal ini dikarenakan cukup banyak distributor yang mengambil dari produk baik itu busana muslim maupun produk lain secara grosir.

Pakaian salah satu kebutuhan primer

Pakaian merupakan kebutuhan primer bagi seluruh umat manusia pada jaman sekarang ini, tetapi tidak pada jaman dahulu, pakaian sangat susah diperoleh apalagi di jaman penjajahan. Kalau tidak salah mereka menggunakan pakaian dari karung goni yang apabila dipakai akan gatal karena bahannya yang kasar selain itu berkutu, & harus dicuci dengan air panas agar kutu-kutunya mati, menyedihkan memang, dan syukurlah kita sudah merdeka, kita bebas membeli & memilih model yang ada sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita akan pakaian dan keuangan yang kita punyai.

Kita mungkin tidak akan menyangka pakaian akan beraneka ragam, dengan model yang selalu berbeda setiap tahunnya, kita kenal ada era 60an – 70an dikenal dengan celana jeansnya yang cutbray dengan baju kemejanya yang ketat, sedangkan pakaian muslim sangat-sangat sederhana sekali, orang-orang belum berani untuk memadu padankan, benar-benar apa adanya, hanya dengan kerudung, baju atau kaos lengan panjang ditambah dengan celana kain atau dengan rok panjang.

Sampai saat ini pakaian dapat dengan mudah dijumpai di Tanah abang sebagai pusat fashion grosir, maupun grosir fashion muslim, semua ada disana beserta aksesoris & sepatu, selain itu ada juga ITC mangga dua juga sebagai fashion grosir & menjual fashion grosir muslim, sepertinya saat ini ada banyak & bertebaran dimana-mana, geliat bisnis fashion merebak sampai kedaerah-daerah. Apalagi orang Indonesia dikenal sebagai bangsa yang konsumtif, selera belanja mereka memang sangat baik.

Busana muslim

Berbicara busana muslim, pastilah tidak jauh berkisar dari Tunik & Gamis. Padahal ada banyak diluar dua jenis pakaian tersebut. Banyak yang bisa dijadikan referensi gaya & menjadi gaya yang alternatif, Tunik bisa jadi merupakan salah satu jenis busana yang mudah dipadu padankan, tapi tidak demikian dengan gamis. Untuk memadukannya butuh kecermatan tertentu, Pasalnya jika tidak dipadukan secara tepat, padu padan gamis justru akan membuat pemakainya terlihat “penuh'

Saat ini banyak model yang ditawarkan oleh pasar, lihat saja yang ada di Tanah abang, maupun ITC dari model untuk remaja sampai model yang dapat dipakai oleh ibu-ibu maupun yang sudah tua sekalipun dapat menggunakannnya, & selalu ada tidak saja dibulan Ramadhan tetapi dalam sehari – hari pasti ada yang ingin membeli, Busana muslim tidak saja dipakai untuk disaat hari raya, tetapi pada acara formil, seperti pesta pernikahan, arisan, kekampus sampai kekantornpun busana ini dapat dipakai, tetapi memang disesuaikan & pretty look tentunya.

Kalangan bisnis garment sampai konvensi kecil-kecilan, banyak tumbuh untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang buat di Indonesia sangat mendukung dikarena merupakan umat muslim terbesar didunia, sehingga kebutuhannya sangat banyak sampai negera china pun mengeluarkan produk ini untuk menyaingi pasar di Indonesia, dan itu dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen di Indonesia, untuk yang lebih exclusive biasanya dikeluarkan oleh para perancang-perancang busana seperti Ida Royani, sebagai perancang yang sudah punya nama, kemudian ada juga Yessi Riscowati, Merry Pramono & Jeny tjahyawati, mereka memadu padankan busana muslim tidak hanya dalam kombinasi warna, tetapi juga antara atasan & bawahannya seperti Tunik Panjang bermotif, dikenakan bersama rok panjang bervolume atau celana kain dengan kerudung berbunga atau polos.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Free Islamic clothing from EJILBAB.COM

 I would like to introduce all my readers to this Islamic Clothing store
I also would like to inform you about their unique campaign to support  Muslim women specially the newly converted ,  by giving them free Islamic clothing, Hijabs & Niqabs as a gift whenever they place a normal order at the store! 
 Please visit the store for more details 
 and read the following.



Kindly email us at with your convert or revert story and we ask your permission to publish it (no names) so that other sisters can read and learn from it, in return we'll be glad to offer you a humble gift*** one or all of the following items: which may contain
  • Abaya
  • Jilbab
  • Isdal
  • Hijab - any or all kinds.
  • Niqab
  • Other gifts - books, CD's, Accessories ... etc.
*Gifts are packed within your order placed at! you can also chose your gift from certain category/ categories when case approved and only after your original order is placed!
**There are many factors that help us decide what your gift will be! Each case will be studied separately.
Gifts are packed and shipped for FREE.
For more information please email us at:
keep us in your prayer (Dua).
Jazakum Allahu Khairan
Fe Aman Allah

keindahan jilbab

keindahan jilbab
Jilbab adalah salah satu pakaian muslimah. Sekarang sudah semakin banyak model dan cara berjilbab. Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh model berjilbab:

artis berjilbab

artis berjilbab

cewek cantik berjilbab


cewek cantik berjilbab

"pake JILBAB juga JIHAD"


Friday, February 19, 2010

view my design

Assalamualimum wr.wb bye one for little bit nana make it a posting...finally..^_^
The first...Thanks Allah S.W.T give a rezeki vey berry alot...
few days ago , nana has order verry much ... love it, there is order some clothes, long skirts, bags, plasmat and necklaces. surprise at all anyway. Well today nana will post the plan design to the sewing now, going see-going see???yuks mariii..

For riesta, tomorrow...coba liat ya hasil antara gambar dengan aslinya,hehe

sketch awal..(manual only,hehehe....)
pingiin si digital cuman nana belum bisa rapih dan kayanya enakan langsung dari tangan gitu kalo gambar mah (*menurut nana low) mungkin karena belum bisa yang digital aja kali yaa,hehe

Ini mau di jadiin kemeja, insyallah warnanya salem


hehe...masih amatir ni desainnya..kalo yang ini mau di buat 2 warna.
warna atas sengaja di kasih gelap yaitu hitam,, fungsinya biar keliatan lebih langsing nanti,hehe

Pesanan Mira dan Riesta

Awalnya mira pingin banget desain yang simple, enggak terlalu nyewe' dan nyaman pastinya.
Nah model ini nana rasa cocok buat mira yang notabenenya agak tomboy,hehehe..(*nevermine)
kantong dan lipatan ujung tangannya sengaja dibikin kaya gitu biar mempertegas kalau itu gayanya sedikit boyish.
untuk kancing...nah nana terinspirasi sama stylenya MJ n Rihanna..jadi nana coba gabungin disini.

Pesanan Lydia

Yang mesan dress ini awalnya lucu deh...katanya pengen pakaian kaya popaye tapi ada sentuhan pramugari2 gitu..
awalnya denger permintaan si costumer langsung..^%$#@!!*&^???
(gimana bisaa popaye di campur pramugari)..pikiran aku udah nerawang kemana2 aja n enggak ketemu2 juga modelnya...dan untungnya pas searching di mbah google sambil liat alexa dikit-dikit,hehe.. baru deh dapet inspirasii..dan hasilnya kaya gitu....^_^
Pesanan Umie
Umi pingin kelihatan sederhana aja katanya buat model, cuma masih terlihat muda..soalnya mba umie ibu muda,hehe..
dan nana disainnya pun simple aja tapi masih kelihatan outfit..^_^

Nahh..habis itu kemarin nana juga ambil pesanan tas nan, cuma loading banget mau di upload..jadi nanti aja,hehe...btw..gambarnya tapi dah di upload di FB COLOUR SHOP...sok atuh bagi yang belum nge-add colour shop...di add ya FB nya..makasiiii...^_^
Hari ini rencananya nana mau :
1. ke tailor bawa seluruh jahitan.
2. ke toko kancing dan aksesoris.
3. FREE....mau ke mall bareng IKA, my friend
4. pengen belanja,hehe...
5. sorenya mau kirim paket.
6. malem...di kosan aja aaahhh....pingin nyalin catatan kuliah

bye bye...

How to make Omani Coffee [Qhawah]

  • demitasse-sized cups water
  • 2 tsp. sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. crushed cardamom or 5 seeds
  • 2 tsp. Arabic coffee
Boil the water with the sugar and the cardamom. Remove from heat. Stir in the coffee. Then place over heat, while holding the pot. Let it foam up, remove from heat, and allow to heat to foaming again. Serve immediately.
Note sugar and coffee are approximately equal. Adjust to your taste. Cardamom should be enough to leave strong smell and fill the taste.

Omani Women's Traditional clothing

(top two pics from Omani cultural festival in Australia).
Since what gets me the most hits is people googling Omani women's traditional clothing, I'll post some more shots for everyone:

MashaAllah, what a beautiful home!!!!

I remember going to a Syrian friend's home and thinking, mashaAllah, what a beautiful home. Everything went with everything and was just sooooooo colourful without being tacky that I loved it.
Note, her walls and rooms weren't bare, despite the lack of living images (an Islamic concept) on the walls, and the prints and colours balanced against the traditional shapes of the furniture.
The odd accessories and light fixtures fascinated, and intrigued...
Everything smelt like bukhoor (inscense) ...
And even the cabinet had a detail, an ornament hanging from its hinge... a simple tassel.
Warmth. Who wouldn't want to wake up here?
The beaded fringe on the lamps....
To the curl of the dressing room.... MashaAllah what a beautiful home!
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