Friday, April 30, 2010

Bercucuk² untuk cantek?

Dlm dunia yg serba canggih n moden ni, kita senang n cepat sgt didedahkan dgn mcm² jenis, cara n produk utk cepat nampak cantek. Especially kaum² hawa ni kan? Kaum laki pon ada jugak, tp x bnyk laa yg I dgar kot? I guess so? Dalam pada tuh ada yg dah try mcm² cara, tp x cantek² jugak...last² end up cucuk sana cucuk sini...hah, terus cantek, tp mesti nampak agak pelik, cam x natural gitu?...

Pd pandangan I, kalau yg kata cucuk² Botox tuh haram ker aper ker...pd I semua jenis cucuk kalau nak cantek tuh sebenarnya x elok...Kalau results dia ok n org yg buat tuh dah pakar xper jugak?...Ini tidak, ader yg cucuk² tuh, jadik lain k aper k kan? Tp lagi nampak pelik lg diorg ingat cantek kot?

Kalau org² dulu² nk cantek, pakai susuk, org skrang pon ader jugak...1st, susuk yg bersusuk betul jumpa bomoh masukkan jarum, 2nd yg susuk suntik² kat muka or badan tu...hah, sama laa kan dgn konsep bersusuk tp ni cara yg moden...pakai inject je terus kat muka or badan (cucuk jugakkan, pakai jarum gak kan?)...even vitamin c, botox, collagen atau apa segala...sama laa tuh... kira mcm nak ubah apa yg tuhan dah bagi laa tuh...

Unless kalau dia betul berikhtiar dgn mcm² cara mcm minum air yg ader vitamin c/ collagen , makan jamu , buat facial , or makan makanan yg boleh menampakkan diri cantek luaran n dalaman, xperlaa kot pada I...At least, mmg kita ader ikhtiar yg kita nak cantek dgn hasil usaha kita. Kalau x menjadik tuh, try laa cara lain, tapi InsyaALLAH dah cukup cantek resultnya nnt.  Tapi x payah laa nak cucuk² kat muka or badan( seram nyer tgk biler dok cucuk² camtuh), lg² kalau tgk kat TV...

Anyway, that's my point of view... tp terpulang la tuan empunya muka or body... Beringat² laa.... Biarla bersederhana, asal org tgk muka kite sejuk je hati sudah...

P/s: Kalau nak carik product utk kecantikan, kan bnyk... Make sure yg HALAL yerk? hehe...

Gallery Jilbab Muslim Fashion & Different

please give comment Gallery Jilbab Muslim Fashion & Different

green beautiful Model jilbab muslim by Keisha

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,green beautiful Model jilbab muslim by Keisha is one example may be useful for you

Fashions Jilbab Che Che Kirani

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Fashions Jilbab Che Che Kirani is one example may be useful for you

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Black Simple jilbab Muslim Fashion Veil

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Black Simple jilbab Muslim Fashion Veil is one example may be useful for you

Beautiful Jilbab Trendy Fashion 2010

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Beautiful Jilbab Trendy Fashion 2010 is one example may be useful for you

Jilbab Islamic Fashion Festiva by tuan hasnah

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Jilbab Islamic Fashion Festiva by tuan hasnah is one example may be useful for you

How to wear it?

xde gaya cam model pon kan?....huhuhu

Nanti I nak show uols video how to wear this kind of hijab okie. But mayb uols kena wait laa bila dah siap video tuh nnt okie...

P/s: Tunggu yer...

Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF)


Actually b4 this I pernah jgak tgk fashion show tp time tu kat Mid Valley masa zaman² bujang la katakan n sgt² suka bila model tuh jln atas stage n represent the fashion style yg dia nak bawakan. But x pernah plak attend any fashion show yg memperagakan betul² koleksi baju² muslimah. However pernah la dengar yg psl IFF(International Islamic Festival) yg dikelolakan oleh Dato Raja Rezza Shah. Alhamdulillah, ada juga yg nk tonjolkan fesyen islamic ni dr org Malaysia sendiri. Normally kalau dia buat mesti dlm 100 designers from many Islamic countries such as Singapore, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh , Iran and etc will participate.

Rasanya kalau laa IFF ni diadakan di Malaysia nnt, mesti beshkan! Nak pegi la, at least skali pon jd la kan, boleh amik ilham jenis² baju yg diorg pakai tuh nnt.. Saje je nak tgk², bukan aper pon...
Okie I slotkan sikit picta yg diorg buat pd tahun lepas²...Nanti kalau I yg pegi, I akan letak picta yg I amik sendiri okie, itu pon kalau dia buat kat Malaysia laa...hehe

P/s: Anyway, kalau sapa² yg ader butik n ader buat skali fashion show utk modelkan baju uols, bgtau laa...bole dtg tgk...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

pink Jilbab Trendy Fashion 2010

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,pink Jilbab Trendy Fashion 2010 is one example may be useful for you

HOT NEWS : colour shop on BAZAAR "rumah pink" sabtu-minggu

Assalamualikum girl......
woro-woro buat semuanya.....insyallah nana bareng temen-temen Online Shop lainnya yang berada di Jogjakarta mau mengadakan BAZAAAAAR......yang bertemankan " Garage Sale" di rumah pink....deket gejayan, Yogyakarta

Nah karena berhubung temanya Garage sale...pastinya barang-barang harus dijual dengan harga miring...
and Yupz..betul sekali.....di bazaar ini nana bakal menawarkan harga special hanya untuk 2 hari itu aja.....enggak percaya???hayuukkk...MakDarTU a.k.a maka dari itu.....buktiin langsung ya di bazaar langsung....^_^

n yang mau ketemuan teman sesama blog...hayuk sekalian aja yuks kita kita ketemuan di tempat bazar...kopdar gitu....ditunggu ya temen-temen semuanya.....^_^

jangan sampai lupa..jadwalnya :
sabtu start dari jam 8 pagi sampaiiiiii.....9 malam
dan minggu dari ba'da zuhur sampaiiii.....9 malam

lokasinya di sini :

yang asyiknya lagi.."ADA DOOR PRIZE" wa...asyikkan..asik dun.....
isi door prizenya itu, sumbangan dari item tiap-tiap OS sendiri (Online Shop)
dan dari nana..nana bakal memberikan 1 baju secara GRATIS.....uhuuuuy...asyikk kannn...

ayoo jangan sampai enggak dateng yah, nyesel loh.....n ikutan borong-borong di Garage Sale dengan harga miring dari tiap-tiap OS..hehe...^_^


beautiful fashions jilbab by keisha

beautiful fashions jilbab by keisha

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,beautiful fashions jilbab by keisha is one example may be useful for you

unique jilbab muslim color pink

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,unique jilbab muslim color pink is one example may be useful for you

All about Hijab in my daily lifes

Semenjak 2 menjak ni, saya suka sgt² pakai hijab yg mengikut trend n yg sezaman dgnnya...hehe. Entah la, rsnya mmg habit/ lumrah wanita kot? Kalau yg berhijab tu, mcm x lengkap je hidup ni tanpanya, betul x?. Mcm lelaki dgn jam tangannya... Mcm tu lah kehidupanku tanpa hijab. Lagipon ianya adalah kewajipan seorg wanita islam utk menutup aurat. Aku rs bertuah sbb aku diajar utk berhijab drpd x berhijab? Kalau berhijab ni kita boleh gayakan dgn mcm² cara n gaya, tp kalau free hair entah laa...aku rs cam x selesa je, sbb aku mengikut suruhanNYA. Masing² punya pendirian kan?

Actually sejak zaman belajar lg mmg aku mcm tuh, sorry to say yg aku mmg suka shop around just to find
hijab yg best nak dipakai. Tp sbb nowadays, susah sgt nak bergerak k sana sini, dgn my children lg. Tu yg kadang² aim dulu mana yg rs ader quality sbb nak pakai lama n nak rsa selesa pakai, pastu baru buy. Selalu jugak buy online n kadang² tu pergi kedai² hijab mana yg berdekatan ngan ofis. Kedai yg dekat plak cam Munawarah, Ariani aka Jentayu n also De zahra. Aku ngan geng² ofis akan merayap kejap time lunch hour utk carik hijab jek. So, mmg gle beli hijab je laa keje nyer. Bukan nak membazir tp cam mmg x complete kalau x beli. Boleh gtu? Nak buat camner? Ihiks....

Actually, skrang ni
hijab yg saya suka pakai ialah hijab yg panjang mcm selendang tuh, dulu selalu laa beli kat Arzu. Sbb hijab dia besh, so mmg suka sgt pakai hijab tuh skrang. Skrang tgh 'ghe yee nun alif' ngan hijab tuh.

Tapi buat makluman semua, lepas ni InsyaALLAH bisnes
hijab akan bermula sedikit demi sedikit. Dulu jual jugak hijab, tp hijab org lain punya. Now, nak jual hijab aku sendiri. Doakan laa semuanya siap ok. Nanti hijab tuh dah siap akan saya take a picta n upload kan. Time tu uols boleh buy the hijab. Brand name, rahsia dulu eh...Takmo bgtau laa...x surprise gtu...

P/s: Buat bisnes onl9 je, kecik². X pernah terpikir nak buat bisnes time dulu², cita² nk jadik lain... Anyway, thanks to my hubby, sbb x kisah ngan apa yg I buat, sentiasa paham ngan my interest n always give full support 2 me... ;)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Le Chateau de Puah - makan²

Nak storie sikit kat uols, smlm pegi dinner at 'Le Chateau de Puah', me n hubby siap ckp lg cam malas nak pegi tah mana² tmpat ni kan sbb actually dia nyer auntie nak sponsor bcoz auntie dia nak g Umrah. Entah knapa smlm pulak asyik jam je jln semua. Hehe...Menguji kesabaran betul...

Anyway, nak bgtau bile sampai je kat Jln Puah tuh, ingatkan kedai 'che ye nun alif', rupanya kedai tuh dimiliki oleh org islam. The location was really nice. Kampung area n I think tis will be the best place for us to lepak² n makan². You can actually choose whether nak makan bersila kat table kecik or kat kerusi. Siap ada sauna n spa lg u?... Anyway, kalau yg rs nak bersauna n spa tuh...sambil makan² bole laa dtg? Promote ni sbb tmpt dia really excites me with delicious food and variety of menu from malaysian, western and central asian food like uzbekistan. Seriously mmg sgt² best... Tp x amik pon picta sbb sebok borak²... Nasib baik merasa mkn kat stu... Seyesly kalau x dtg mmg rugi laa we all...

A Fusion Cuisine of Delicious Selected Foods From Around the World Together with Local Favourite Specialties.Basically we serve Malaysian food, Western food and also Central Asian food especially from Uzbekistan.
Group Luncheons, Teas and Company Dinners. We custom design group luncheons, high teas,dinners and office or training meetings.We also do catering of our exclusive Central Asian and Local cuisine to parties or buffets. 

Our Signature Dishes:
Bukhara Chicken/Lamb (Kenyang Gle makan!) Samarkhan Stew
Bruschetta Popiah (Fried/Steam)
Roti Taliban (Sedap!) Mee Bandung
Sizzling Steak and many more! 

P/S : Smlm amik tmpat yg bole makan bersila, berlunjur² kaki...anak main lari² kat area² situ jek pon dah x risau sgt...kenala reserved dulu hot sit tuh.... try la kat place ni...besh sgt! terasa nk dok kat kg la pulok? Anyway x tau plak rupanya ni yg Serina pegi tempoh hari tu kat JJCM...

Badr and Water & seeing the dam in Quaryat

Being from one of the most water-rich places in the entire world, I am quite amazed by how people react to water in a desert-country.

Story number 1: Driving to UAE to renew my passport stamps AGAIN I fall asleep while my trusted taxi driver (not all of them are scary) Badr drives us up to Al Bahrimi. Fast asleep I am shaken from sleep by an excited cry from Badr: "Water!" I expect a flood, rain, even another Gonu, but I am staring out the window, and I see nothing. I am mystified (and still half asleep) as Badr pulls over to the side of the road. Maybe it is going to start raining. Omanis don't drive in the rain as a rull. Badr gets out of the car and makes me do the same. Way on the other side of the road is a kind of a puddle, complete with algae and bugs. Badr, LOL!, takes out his cellphone and take takes a picture. Also, later, when we stop for Mahndi (a Yemeni meat dish on a plate of rice) for lunch, I am given a HALF AND HOUR video of a very sad excuse for a waterfall to watch for entertainment. Gotta love Badr and the way he loves water hehehe.

Story number 2: Driving up to the village of Qurayat an Omani friend is VERy excited because we are given special permission (through wasta) to see Oman's dam. It has, I am informed, 6kms of water. It is all very pretty you know, and while we are up there, we even had a sprinkle of rain, but lol, it was nothing compared to the two dams I grew up around, and one I saw on a drive with my parents when I was young that had 300 km of water hehehe. Omanis and water is a very special thing. It is like when you give a kid a box and they like to play in it mashaAllah. It makes me happy.

Casual Dream Jilbab Muslim Fashion

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Casual Dream Jilbab Muslim Fashion is one example may be useful for you.

green beautiful Model jilbab muslim

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,green beautiful Model jilbab muslim is one example may be useful for you

The Bristow Jilbab Muslim Fashion color Pink

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,The Bristow Jilbab Muslim Fashion color Pink is one example may be useful for you

Monday, April 26, 2010

Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion red color

you are a Muslim woman wants to find a beautiful scarf and inexpensive,Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion red color is one example may be useful for you

Beautiful Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion

you are a Muslim woman, how to choose a good scarf, this is one example of a modern design jilbab,Beautiful Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion

Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion Nurul Izzah

you are a Muslim woman, how to choose a good scarf, this is one example of a modern design Jilbab Model Jilbab Muslim Fashion Nurul Izzah

Hukum memakai sanggul/ short bun? - continue

Salam semua, saya dah pon dpt jawapan psl hukum tuh. So, ni saya masukkan video link yang tempoh hari saya kata nak bgtau pasal hukum bila pakai sanggul kan? Hari Ahad 25/04/2010 aritu, Tanyalah Ustaz di TV9 , sapa yg tertgk channel aritu boleh laa tahu psl ni. Tajuk dia Keliru Identiti 3, kena dengarla ceramah tu smpai habis yer. Anyway, it's a nice topic? 

"Daripada Abu Hurairah ra beliau meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah Saw telah bersabda :

2 golongan yang termasuk dari kalangan ahli neraka yang tak pernah aku lihat iaitu yang pertama mereka yang memegang cemeti seperti ekor lembu (bentuk cemeti itu seperti ekor lembu yang berbulu-bulu dan berambut-rambut) dan mereka memukul manusia dengan cemeti tersebut.Yang kedua adalah perempuan memakai pakaian tetapi keadaanya umpama telanjang (ketat), dan perempuan ini berjalan sambil berlenggang lenggok dan sanggol rambutnya (ataupun sekarang ikatan rambutnya) umpama bonggol unta.Dan perempuan yang sebegini keadaanya tidak akan mencium bau syurga.Ketahuilah bau syurga sudah boleh diciumi dari jarak begini dan begini."

* Hadith ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim,Imam Ahmad,Imam Malik dan selain mereka.Hadith ini adalah hadith sahih.

Some picta 2 share on pd uols semua.(Yang kedua adalah perempuan memakai pakaian tetapi keadaanya umpama telanjang (ketat), dan perempuan ini berjalan sambil berlenggang lenggok dan sanggol rambutnya (ataupun sekarang ikatan rambutnya) umpama bonggol unta.Dan perempuan yang sebegini keadaanya tidak akan mencium bau syurga.Ketahuilah bau syurga sudah boleh diciumi dari jarak begini dan begini.")

Sunday, April 25, 2010

jilbab Shabrina Gamis coklate

jilbab Shabrina Gamis coklate
Size: L, XL
Price: USD 245 000, -
Color: (shown)

What I lost in Translation, is my ability to speak English

When I am typing text messages I have started to writing like my Omani friends. It drives my English-speaking friends insane lol. Somewhere in the middle of translating Omani-English messages, I started thinking in the same bad grammer and spelling he he he. Some commen examples that I shall translate for ya'll:

Is it warmth there?
This mean "is it warm there?"

u ali the time make me to lugh
This means I am very funny and "all the time" make my friends "laugh"

i will tray
"I will try"

take it esay, whay yeh need it
"Take it easy, why do you need it?"

no, i am not eat
"no, I haven't eaten."

till me
"Tell me."

Is besaid me
"He's beside me"

sorry i wake up u?
"sorry, did I wake you up?"

Am tootley taird
"I am totally tired."

I had thies falling...
"I had this feeling"

My Advice for All WOULD-BE-CASSANOVAS in Oman

My advice for all would-be Cassanovas and wannabe Romeos in Oman:

Stop honking at me when you drive by. It scares the $&^%^U&^ out of me.

Don't creep after a woman in your car, window down, and say "Lsimat ya ukti." As far as I know, "stalker" IS never on the list of criteria my friends have for what they are looking for in a boyfriend (those girls that are indeed looking for a fling---this isn't how Omani men and women get married after all).

And if you are going to call a girl your sister "ya ukti", don't even be thinking of @#$%^&*( her. Incest is trait women consider unattractive.

If you pull over in front of me and cut me off in a very intimidating attempt to impress me with how confident you are, be sure not to side-swipe me and run me down. This hurts, and instead of buying me dinner and taking me shopping, as I'nm sure you were about to offer, the only thing you'll be paying for is my hospitol bill, got it?

*****Honestly, I have no real trouble with men in Oman, excepting marriage proposals in taxis, and guys scaring me to death with their car horns, and nearly running me down in an attempt to try and pull-over to talk to me LOL. Please note, I know many wonderful kind Omani men who would never stoop to this creepy behaviour, but some of these losers ruin it for the rest of them. But women, when men act like idiots, treat them like idiots.

I have a lovely story about how I dealt with one would-be stalker.
First off, he is following me for a half a mile in his neon green car. I ignore him and he pulls ahead of me and pulls over and waits for em to walk by, saying stuff in arabic. I ignore him completely, no eye contact, no verbal respsonse. this is usually enough for most would-be Romeos but this fool won't give up. Finally, I yell at him "I don't speak Arabic!" cuz I know, if he doesn't speak English, all I am going to be able to say is "shorta" (police) and "ayb" (shame) in Arabic. The idiot in the green car pulls ahead again.

"I speak perfect English."

I walk up to the side of his car as if this changes everything and smile sweetly.

"Oooooh, I am so glad, because then you'll understand me if I want to tell you something about myself."

He nods slowly, a dopy, sleepy smile crawling across his seedy face.

I continue. "I am a Muslimah. And I don't talk to men, and you are not supposed to either, so have some taqwa (fear of Allah/the OneandOnlyGod)!"

He keeps trying, and the old-ukti line comes out. "But Sister! I only wanted to help you."

Uh huh. Yeah right. I smile sweetly at him again. "Then forgive me, Brother, if I am mistaken. But should I pray men offer to help your mother and sister the same?"

The shame dawns on him and he crawls further back away from the window of his car. I start walking again. if they speak English, works on those that don't give up everytime.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm Back!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo long it has been since I have posted. I have so many things to write about that my head is spinning. Shall I write about where I was taken to the most beautiful farm in Al Mosanah, or where I thought a taxi driver was calling me a cat but was really saying "kiss" and tried to molest me, the festival up in Quriyat, seeing the dammn in Quriyat, my other taxi driver who gets VERY excited by the sight of water, my cool way for sending men away ashamed who try to hit on me, or how I have started to talk like my Omani friends, bad grammer et al?????? I'll start with the funniest I think. Actually, all the stories are funny come to think of it, don't be scared for me.I like to have adventures LOL.

maxi dress/ skirt selections

Maxi dresses and skirts @ Esprit
Hijab @ shukr
Bracelet n bag @ vincci

For picta no:-

1. The maxi dress boleh la digayakan dgn inner n also with hijab
2. The dress boleh la pakai inner/ long cardigan also with any pants/ jeans n any hijab
3. The dressing already okie, u can wear with hijab syria/ headscarft
4. you can wear with long cardigan n hijab

So, ni hanyalah some fashion tips yg boleh disharekan for uols....

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